Mistakes in the kitchen

Sometimes, when cooking or baking, we make a “mistake” in what we have measured or added to the recipe.  Don’t fret the small stuff, as the old saying goes.

Once, I was making Banana Nut breads and neighbor came over.  She was a nice person, but always was at my shoulder watching everything that I did.  She distracted me and I put the nut breads in the oven, then saw the sugar on the counter!  I promptly removed the breads from the oven and poured the batter back into the mixing bowl. I added the sugar, mixed it all well, and poured it back into the pans.  I hoped that it would turn out ok as I had them ear-marked as holiday gifts to neighbors.

The breads came out just fine and I found the courage to ask the neighbor to have a seat (as I had offered, along with a cup of coffee) and visit with me from her chair.  She realized what she was doing was so distracting and that episode cured her of that habit.

Sometimes, we just have to remedy what has been done in the best way that we know how.


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